Tournament Play

Throughout the season we have 4 tournaments for members of our league. 3 are based on handicaps and 1 non handicap play.


Harry Lockwood was one of the orginal players when the league started in 1922, and until having a cataract operation was always one of the highest handicapped players at around minus 250 points.  After a couple years of playing at minus 80 to minus 100, his eyesight improved and in his last game, he won by more then 100 points even though giving his opponent 125 points to start.  Quite a feat for a man almost 83 years of age.  He collapsed and died minutes later at the table at Fort Rouge Legion in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in December of 1970.

Secretary treasurer Tom Hargreaves, a personal friend of Harry and his wife Elsie, persuaded her to donate a trophy in Harry's memory.

This Trophy is restricted to the top 16 handicapped players in the league with all players starting from scratch (no handicaps).

Click here for past winners


Major N.O. Bardal


The trophy is open to competition to players with a handicap of  minus 35 or higher.

Click here for past winners 


Formerly sponsored by and called the "Grosvenor Trophy", Jack McLean took over the trophy when sponsorship was discontinued with the retirement of Les Borse, manager of Grosvenor Taxi, and was renamed the Jack McLean Trophy.

The trophy is open for competition to players with a handicap of minus 30 or less.

Click here for past winners



Raymond Trinder, more commonly  known as "Coach " who's famous expression is " The Box Does Not Lie", was a Life Member of the Veterans English Billiard League.

   Coach Trinder has openly and freely regardless of Team or talent offered his teaching skills and knowledge of the game of English Billiards to  ANYONE who takes the time to  ask him. Coach Trinder did on many occassions travel by Bus and sometimes Taxi at his own cost to visit a Club to teach willing players who have requested his presence to help them be better billiard players.

 Coach's dedication  and love of  Billiards is second to none and his stamp is on many of the present league high handicap player's as well as a number of the up and coming players.who have received instruction as well as his wrath on the game of Billiards..

The Raymond Trinder Trophy replaces the former Novice Trophy, The Trinder Trophy will ONLY be available to those League  players who have a handicap of plus fifty to scratch either as a first year entry level player or as an existing league player provided the players handicap is within the plus
thirty to scratch range.

Sadly in 2013 we lost Ray Trinder beofre he could see many of our leagues players compete against  the World's best players when we hosted the VEBL Americas' Cup and Vimy Ridge tournament in August 2013.

He will be missed but always remembered. 

Click here for past winners



Links to Trophy play