February 5, 2015                                                        Back to Weekly Sheets




ron franklin  -40  131   rick sparling + 20  200 The night was split:
alex Langford  -55  179  marc brough - 5  200 Fraser Durham lost to Al Thede             - 200 - 154
bill smith -90  200  Kelly Vincent + 10  187        (-370)                      (-5)
john Kruk  -30  200  addie chapman  + 45  118 Joe Ducharme over Warren Dyer           - 200 - 86
       (-145)                     (-215)
runs Curt Beaudoin over Tom                         - 200 - 150
bill smith  31        (-50)                    (-50)
john Kruk  46  40  7 runs in the teens Mike Balork lost to Fred Pebbles            - 200 - 136
game over less than hour         (-80)                   (-180)
john now has high run for spence  trophy Runs:  Joe Ducharme          - 53
            Curt Beaudoin          - 40
            Fraser Durham         - 58 - 49 - 45 - 37 - 32