December 4, 2014                                                    Back to Weekly Sheets




Norwood # 2 vs Eddy's                                                                   Assiniboia # 2 vs Norwood # 1

Kelly  +10  166  garry  -170  200   Grant lost to Fred  200 to 194
steve  -125  200   fred  -170   184 Brian lost to Mike  200 to 132
rick hutcheon  -120   200   warren  -220    -21
marc  0  189    sonny  -15  200 Bob beat Joe 200 to 77
Blair beat Fraser  200 to 195
steve   43 high runs:
rick  30  46
garry   32 Bob 31
fred  31  30  37 Fraser 48 46 38 36
warren  37 Mike 32